
The partner notification service is part of a public health initiative to help protect the public and limit the spread of STIs.

When you choose to use this service to inform one or more sexual partners that you’ve been diagnosed with an STI, you are acting privately and anonymously, as well as individually and of your own volition, in a spirit of goodwill and respect, and with full knowledge of the potential consequences.

Your aim is to inform each person you contact of your diagnosis, in order to encourage them to see a doctor. Once you’ve sent a message, it cannot be changed. Please read the Legal Note before using this service.


Choose a card

  • STI's
  • Chlamydia
Condylomas (HPV)
  • Condylomas (HPV)
  • Gonorrhea
  • Hepatitis
  • Herpes
  • Syphilis
  • HIV



Sexual health and LGBT population

Molluscum contagiosum

Living with HIV

Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)

Reminder of vaccination (3rd dose)

To ensure the effectiveness of vaccination against hepatitis A and B (Twinrix), three (3) doses are required :


2e :

1 month after the first dose

3e :

6 months after the first dose

This tool lets you send a friendly reminder for your third dose of vaccine.

Please enter the date of the second dose as well as your email address. You will be notified within five (5) months.

Date of the second vaccine:



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Condom breaks or tears? —Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)

In the real world, it is possible that an event may occur (primarily via sexual contact) whereby your sexual partner is exposed to the risk of transmission of HIV. When a condom breaks during sex, there is the moment of panic…understandably so! Currently, the use of Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is offered in the event of a "high-risk" event. The approach is similar to the approach used when a health care provider is exposed via a contaminated needle in the work place. The goal is to prevent HIV infection.

In theory, when HIV enters the human body, it remains circulating free in the blood for several days (24-72 hours) prior to its insertion into body reservoirs (lymph nodes, brain, testicles, etc.) PEP is initiated with the intention of PREVENTING HIV from integrating itself into the body and setting up a chronic infection. This is NOT a morning-after-pill, but a carefully selected combination of three medications taken for a full MONTH. This concept is still under research and should not be considered a guarantee in the prevention of HIV infection.

If a risk situation was to occur, your partner should:

  • Consult a physician as quickly as possible (ideally within 24 hours, and definitely before the 72 hour mark post-exposition). The earlier the better in maximizing the success of this intervention when medications are indicated;
  • Ideally, the individual at risk should consult a physician experienced with the principle of PEP – and ideally you should assist your partner in obtaining all pertinent information regarding your health status (CD4 levels, viral load levels, any resistance information with respect to your virus and your current medications). All of this information will assist the physician in selecting the best PEP combination.

The physician will:

  • Evaluate the degree of risk for HIV/other sexually transmitted infections;
  • Baseline laboratory studies will be taken so as to evaluate the health status of your partner at the moment of the exposure/risk. When indicated, as mentioned above, a combination of antiretrovirals (not always the same as the ones you are taking) will be prescribed for a period of one month. Current recommendations suggest triple medication combinations for PEP of this sort;
  • Schedule several follow-up visits to evaluate the tolerability of the selected medications, to rule out serious side effects and to evaluate the outcome of the PEP, at one month and 3 months post-exposure.

While not a guarantee, it is important to know that PEP exists, that there is something that can be done and that may serve to reduce the risk of transmission of HIV when a risk event occurs.


Research on HIV and aging in QC — 2013
Video - One Life
Aids/HIV & Work .pdf (french)
Your Health & You .pdf (french)
Live Better With HIV .pdf (french)
Fight against discrimination
Relay Magazine