
  • Reminder of vaccination (3rd dose)

    To ensure the effectiveness of vaccination against hepatitis A and B (Twinrix), three (3) doses are required :


    2e :

    1 month after the first dose

    3e :

    6 months after the first dose

    This tool lets you send a friendly reminder for your third dose of vaccine.

    Please enter the date of the second dose as well as your email address. You will be notified within five (5) months.

    Date of the second vaccine:



  • Affiliée à
    Who is at risk of genital herpes?


    • People who have several different sex partners;
    • People whose sex partners have a number of different sex partners (and so on, and so on…);
    • People who don't use condoms;
    • People with a history of other sexually transmitted infections.
    Genital Herpes
    Genital Herpes