
  • Reminder of vaccination (3rd dose)

    To ensure the effectiveness of vaccination against hepatitis A and B (Twinrix), three (3) doses are required :


    2e :

    1 month after the first dose

    3e :

    6 months after the first dose

    This tool lets you send a friendly reminder for your third dose of vaccine.

    Please enter the date of the second dose as well as your email address. You will be notified within five (5) months.

    Date of the second vaccine:



  • Affiliée à
    Who is at risk of contracting syphilis?

    The risk of contracting syphilis is increased when enaging in unprotected sexual relations, with or without penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth with:

    • A new sexual partner (male or female) who has not been evaluated by a physician to exclude the presence of syphilis or other STI;
    • A partner who has one or more sexual partners (with or without your knowledge);
    • more than one sexual partner;
    • An anonymous sexual partner;
    • A high-risk sexual partner (i.e. escort, prostitute or sex-trade worker)
    Primary phase
    Primary phase
    Secondary phase
    Secondary phase