
  • Reminder of vaccination (3rd dose)

    To ensure the effectiveness of vaccination against hepatitis A and B (Twinrix), three (3) doses are required :


    2e :

    1 month after the first dose

    3e :

    6 months after the first dose

    This tool lets you send a friendly reminder for your third dose of vaccine.

    Please enter the date of the second dose as well as your email address. You will be notified within five (5) months.

    Date of the second vaccine:



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    How can I prevent contracting viral hepatitis?

    Hepatitis A and E:

    • Avoid oral-anal sexual contacts;
    • If you are traveling to regions where sanitary conditions are poor and at risk of being contaminated by fecal matter (Asia, South America, Mexico or the Caribbean…) you should take precautionary measures. Avoid the consumption of local tap water, ice-cubes, salads, fruits and vegetables that you cannot peel, undercooked shellfish and mobile/street food vendors, etc. These are all potential sources of hepatitis A and/or E;
    • Envisage your vaccination against hepatitis A (prior to your departure). This is an excellent and effective vaccination that is given in two doses. The initial dose confers protection or immunity within several weeks of its administration (and lasts for up to one year). The second or booster vaccination confers an immunity that persists for anywhere from 10-20 years – well worth it! Hepatitis A is totally preventable!

    Hepatitis B, C and D:

    • Avoid unprotected sexual relations (your sexual partner may not feel sick and not know they have the virus). Use a condom!
    • Engage in a monogamous sexual relationship (avoid multiple sexual partners)
    • Avoid the sharing of syringes or other injection-drug-related paraphernalia.
    • Avoid sharing instruments (straws, sniffers, bills, spoons, etc.) used to snort drugs (cocaine, ketamine, etc.);
    • Avoid the sharing of toothbrushes, razors, nail trimmers or files and all other personal articles that may be contaminated with traces of blood;
    • Immunize yourself against hepatitis B. This is a safe and effective means of preventing hepatitis B, and is currently a childhood vaccination in North America (many young and not so young adults are not immunized). There are three injections over a period of six months that, once complete, confer a long-term immunity or protection against hepatitis B in the majority of people;
    • If you have come into contact with hepatitis B, the blood or biological liquids at risk for hepatitis B (within 7 days) then passive immunization with immunoglobulins should be considered. These ready-made antibodies are immediately able to protect against a hepatitis B infection if given within the appropriated time frame;

    Consult your physician!

    • It is important to undergo a hepatitis B screening test prior to, or during pregnancy. In the event of a positive result, your physician will ensure the proper management of your newborn immediately following delivery. Prevention of hepatitis B in your newborn is critical!