
  • Reminder of vaccination (3rd dose)

    To ensure the effectiveness of vaccination against hepatitis A and B (Twinrix), three (3) doses are required :


    2e :

    1 month after the first dose

    3e :

    6 months after the first dose

    This tool lets you send a friendly reminder for your third dose of vaccine.

    Please enter the date of the second dose as well as your email address. You will be notified within five (5) months.

    Date of the second vaccine:



  • Affiliée à
    Sexually transmitted infections and the GLBT population

    At the clinic L’ Actuel, we have attempted to create a safe, comfortable clinical environment wherein we may provide expert care to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and transgender patient population. We remain dedicated to the evaluation, counseling, management and treatment of sexually transmitted illness, HIV/AIDS and hepatitis – regardless of your sexual orientation.

    We are not talking about "special" treatment, but "appropriate" treatment.

    We believe that your health is not simply the absence of disease and that your health requires a balance between your physical, psychological and social state of well-being.

    We provide a supportive place for people in the lesbian, gay and bisexual and transgender community regardless of race, religion, color, creed, origins, family status, marital status, financial status, nationality, disability, ancestry, sex, age or sexual orientation. We hope that our existence will improve your access to quality health care.

    While members of the lesbian, gay and bisexual or transgender society have the same basic health needs as the general population, there are some specific needs. There are also documented barriers to adequate and professional health care secondary to both real and perceived homophobia, and/or discrimination towards these groups. Fear experienced by the patient may impede consultation and discrimination (unfortunately still a factor) by health care professionals may preclude appropriate medical care.