
  • Reminder of vaccination (3rd dose)

    To ensure the effectiveness of vaccination against hepatitis A and B (Twinrix), three (3) doses are required :


    2e :

    1 month after the first dose

    3e :

    6 months after the first dose

    This tool lets you send a friendly reminder for your third dose of vaccine.

    Please enter the date of the second dose as well as your email address. You will be notified within five (5) months.

    Date of the second vaccine:



  • Affiliée à


    • Testing and treatment of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs)
    • Emergency STBBI treatment
    • Testing clinics for targeted clienteles – For men who have sex with men (MSM), intravenous drug users (IDU) and sex workers. Prompt appointments available.
    • PrEP clinics - Open to people who wish to take PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) or are considering taking it.
    • Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) – Administration of antiretrovirals (triple therapy) for one month after an exposure that involves a high risk of contracting HIV. We recommend that treatment begin as soon as possible, ideally within 24 hours following exposure and no later than 72 hours following exposure.
    • HIV testing with prompt results (10 minutes)
    • Prompt care and treatment (24 to 48 hours) for any person diagnosed with HIV.
    • Clinical research
    • Hepatitis clinics
    • Opioid replacement therapies (methadone and suboxone)